Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Miracle Thinking

That was the title of my Nepo-reading this morning, 
and here's a bit of today's wisdom:

Being human, 
we struggle constantly to stay with the miracle of what is 
and not to fall constantly into the black hole of what is not. 
This is an ancient challenge. 
As the poet Ghalib said centuries ago, 
"every particle of creation sings its own song 
of what is and what is not. 
Hearing what is can make you wise; 
hearing what is not can 
drive you mad."

The breathing meditation suggests that we
let go of all the imagined outcomes that are not yet real,
and settle into the miracle of what is.

This reminds me of Jesus' invitation to consider the lilies of the field.

So that I can keep this truth as my mantra, I've shortened it to
Deal with the Real.

So, for today, here's what's not real:  
The outcome of Rob's surgery and whether insurance will cover it.

Now, here's what's real: My walk in the park

 Winter Sky
 Civil Servant
 Optical Illusion
 Home Is Where the Heart Is

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