Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Day

Well, as I write this, the TV is going full force, 
blaring forth the next piece of commentary, speculation, prediction, 
and consternation, the content of which depends upon the speaker 
and the perspective of the moment.

I know, 
I SHOULD turn it off and listen to music 
or let the silence contain me.

But, it's like an accident. 

We shouldn't look, but we do.
Not knowing feels worse than seeing the reality, 
as unpleasant as it might be.

So, here we are, after weeks, months, years, it seems, of this non-stop
infomercial for partisan politics at its best and worst.

I don't know what the outcome will be.

Two decent men and their decent families are up for the rides of their lives,
and no matter who wins, "America" most likely will continue to lose
when it comes to how this game of government gets played.

I have friends on both "sides of the aisle".

And, given the rules of this game,
 somebody has to "win" and somebody has to "lose".

I hope we remember that 
it's not really about us as friends.
It never was!

And if I were to lose friends or family 
as a result of this crazy man-made election-game, 
it would be a terrible accident, 
one I really don't want to see.

May peace and love win!

(They always do in the end, you know.)

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