Monday, November 26, 2012

Fire on the Earth Part 2

Now is the time to see that 
absolutely nothing outside of you 
can bring you lasting joy. 
Every now and then, I think I get it...a glimpse of this freedom.
But the moment you do that 
you will notice that a fear arises in your heart. 
Perhaps it is this fear that clouds the promise.
That fear that if you allow the discontent to be, 
it will turn into a raging passion that will grip you and cause you 
to revolt against everything that your culture and your religion hold dear; 
against a whole way of thinking and feeling and perceiving the world 
that they have brainwashed you into accepting. 
Yikes! This is heavy stuff...brainwashing?! Think "marketing"
This devouring flame will cause you not just to rock the boat 
but to burn the boat to ashes. 
I will not be manipulted!
Suddenly you will find yourself living in an altogether different world, 
infinitely removed from the world of the people around you
Oooooh, that feels like separation. 
from everything that others hold dear,
even more separation 
everything they are crying their hearts out for; 
is seen for the stinking garbage that it is. 
Oh, that world! The world of cheap thrills and illusive security...
It disgusts and nauseates. 
DeMello is obviously not speaking from a non-duality perspective. 
Non-duality would suggest there are no separate worlds, 
just different ways to be in the world, no judgement.
Hmmm...I'll need to ponder this one. 
And everything others are forever running away from 
holds no terrors for you anymore.
Hmmm...what would that be?  
Not having enough, not being prepared, not knowing 

You have become serene and fearless and free, 
for you have stepped out of your illusory world and into 
the kingdom.

And here is a parable of that kingdom: 

It is like a treasure lying buried in a field. 
The man who found it buried it again, and for sheer joy went 
and sold everything he had and bought that field. 
It's not the so-called "buried treasure" we thought we had to have; it's allowing--
the WHOLE FIELD of life, of experience, 
of whatever may come in each and every moment 
that brings eternal joy and peace!
It's not down there somewhere, to be sought and dug up;
it's already here

If you haven't found the treasure as yet, 
don't waste your time searching for it. 
It can be found but it may not be searched for. 
Sounds like a riddle, eh?
You don't have the slightest notion what the the real treasure is. 

All you are familiar with is 
the drugged happiness of your present existence. 
the thrill-seeking, contentment-longing "wild ride"

So what would you search for? 
And where? 

No, search rather in your heart for 
the spark of discontent 
and tend the flame till it becomes a conflagration and 
your world is burned down to a heap of rubble.
Get into a genuine, full-fledged flame-feeding frenzy.

Young or old, most of us are discontented 
merely because we want something--
more knowledge, a better job, a finer car, a bigger salary.

Our discontent is based upon our desire for "the more."
It is only because we want something more 
that most of us are discontented.
I find myself wanting less and less 
and being more and more content with enough...CHECK!

But I am not talking about that kind of discontent.'re not? I thought I had that one taken care of.

It is the desire for "the more" that prevents clear thinking. 
Because we just reflexively replace the discontent with 
the next thing we think need more of--the fix. 
(But) If we are dissatisfied, not with anything in particular but with 
then we shall find that 
our discontent brings clarity. 
When we don't accept or follow, 
but question, investigate, penetrate, there is 
an insight out of which comes 
The Divine Detour 

Mostly the discontent that you feel comes from not having 
enough of something--
you are dissatisfied because you think you do not have 
enough money or power or success or fame or virtue or love, or holiness. 
This is all "fixable"!
This is not the discontent that leads to 
the joy of the kingdom.
It's all temporary. 
Its source is greed and ambition 
and its fruit is restlessness and frustration.
The Vicious Cycle 

The day you are discontented 
not because you want more of something 
but without knowing 
it is you want; 
when you are sick at heart of 
everything that you have been pursuing so far 
and you are sick of the pursuit itself, 
then your heart will attain a great clarity, 
an insight that will cause you mysteriously to delight in 
and in 
It's no longer a matter of 
something other than what already is!

And out of that very present place comes 
clarity and peace of mind 
and joy of spirit,
where CREATIVITY flourishes.
It's Nature's way.

From: THE WAY TO  LOVE by Anthony DeMello

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