Sunday, February 5, 2012


I am having the privilege and pleasure of playing the piano for the 
Unitarian Universalist Church here in Lubbock.
Today's sermon, entitled "Embarrassment", was delivered by 
Reverend Eliza Galaher, from Austin.
It was exceptional!

Here's a bit about Eliza and the Wildflower Church in Austin:

Welcome from Reverend Eliza Galaher
Greetings and welcome to Wildflower Church!
As Wildflower’s first fulltime settled minister, I would like to share with you a little bit about why I love this Unitarian Universalist congregation, and why I believe its presence is important in South Austin, as well as in the wider community.
First of all, as you may know, Unitarian Universalism is a faith born out of the merger in 1961 of the deeply rooted Unitarian and Universalist Churches. To me, this merger was perfect fodder for the blending of the heart (Universalist) and mind (Unitarian). As a Unitarian Universalist, my faith is continually transformed by the partnership of heart and mind that our religion demands. Every day is one in which I am on a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, and every day is one in which I am called to ask myself how I can help create beloved and just community.
As of May 18th, 2007, when I was called by this congregation, and as of August 1st of that same year when I officially started, I have found a place to practice my journey toward beloved and just community by serving as Wildflower Church’s minister. Wildflower Church is an ideal gathering place for the heart-and-mind religion I value so much, and it is a place where I believe many, many people can find a religious home in which they are free to ask (not just be told the answers to) the important questions of life. Because our religion is a liberal one, it is one in which there is freedom (liberty) to practice critical thinking about our deepest religious convictions and truths. Because it is a liberal one, it is also a place where we are free to feel and express our deepest feelings. Whether we are singing and dancing together on Sunday mornings, caring for one another in times of struggle, or being led by our passion for social justice while marching down the streets, our hearts are fully present in our shared lives.
For these reasons alone, I believe Wildflower Church is an important place in our community. Our doors are open to all seeking beloved and just community. Our doors are open to all who need the freedom to do their own religious exploring. Once you pass through our doors and stick around for a little while, you’ll find all the more reason to call Wildflower an ideal home for your heart, mind, and soul.

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