Wednesday, August 5, 2015


We know it's inevitable.
And yet, we keep moving in the meantime, from this to that and that to this...
And, on occasion, when the dust settles, when the "to-do" list 
waits for another energy-surge, 
when there is no way NOT to feel what's landing,
Bits and pieces of this Grand Puzzle start to fall into place,
not all at once, of course, but just a piece, from time to time, that not only helps define what has been a hazy, convoluted image of the past many months,
but also affirms ALL of it.

Years ago, Mary suggested that trying to find meaning in the events of life 
is much like trying to make out the images on a KODAK instant-pic 
before it's fully developed.
(Remember those?  The anticipation as the photo is pulled from the camera 
followed by the quick application of the "gunk" to make the image stay.)
When we first looked at the "photo", 
there was no way we could tell what in the world it was.
It was all shadowy forms and vacant spaces.
But, in time, when we'd go to check it again, sure enough!
Those shadowy forms had become the familiar images we had photographed.
The vacant spaces were all filled in.
And we couldn't imagine it being anything other than what it was.
But "development" takes time.
And all things are revealed 

When Rob and I were in Ireland in November of 2013, 
we found a delightful little shop in Inneskerry, 
were greeted by the charming proprietor, Barbara, 
 and left with a souvenir:

When I selected that particular souvenir, I had a friend in mind, someone who
has been practicing Buddhist thought for several years.
I also liked what it said, even believed strongly in what it said, 
but anticipated giving it away as a gift when I got home.

Now it hangs very prominently in the guestroom closet,
a tribute to
December 2013-December 2014:
A most difficult, precious, awful, blessed, torturous, gracious, 
exhausting, exhilarating year !
 And it is only now, as I settle to watch PawPaws play in their 
most creative ways that I can begin to make peace with all of the pieces 
that appeared and fell away during that most extraordinary year.

And so, I write.

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