It's the beginning of a new month
and a new adVENTURE here in Lubbock, Texas.
This dawned on me this morning:
I realize that today marks the end of official, paid EmmyCare,
and aside from the bittersweet feelings I've already blogged about,
it feels especially significant because of where it puts me/us,
in transition, again.
EmmyCare was the reason we moved to Lubbock;
and it was a new focus for me.
We knew from the get-go that it would be for a season,
but how quickly seasons come and go.
We knew from the get-go that it would be for a season,
but how quickly seasons come and go.
It was also the reason Rob and I have had all these weeks apart
and the reason he has traveled all those miles to work.
Now, staying in Lubbock is a choice,
and it presents us with the opportunity to assess why we're here,
and it presents us with the opportunity to assess why we're here,
what's next for me work-wise, and how we make it all work
in the best way possible for US!
It's an open door out of the
"precious-confinement" of regular EmmyCare,
and as with all "releases",
therein lies the freedom and the fear.
therein lies the freedom and the fear.
Oh boy!
Praying for exciting adventures ahead for you, Sarah. I know God has something special in store.