Thursday, May 17, 2012

Count Down

Sawyer and I began our days together two and a half years ago, 
when he was just a couple of months old.

Over the past year he has eased into daycare, 
and our Emmy-Sawyer days have dwindled to just 
Wednesdays and Thursdays.

But that too will change in the next couple of weeks,
and by June, he will be going full-time to Trinity.

PapaRob and I will have the pleasure of continuing to be
available and eager for our time with Sawyer,
especially Friday night "spendings".

I must admit, I'm starting to experience 
a little separation anxiety, as the reality sets in.

So, the next couple of weeks will be extra special 
Wednesday/Thursdays, and I'll be recording, 
as usual, the ways we spend our Emmy-Sawyer time together.

Today we visited the Science Spectrum where, among other things,
Sawyer touched a snake and a tortoise

 and spanked a large lizard.
He enjoyed "Bah-Bahs" and Dinosaurs in the Atrium.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy every one of them. What sweet times you are having.
