Tuesday, November 8, 2016

"My Country"

When I woke up this morning, the words and tune to This Is My Country were playing in my head. I can remember singing it at many a school performance as a child--with great fervor and whatever innocent pride a child has in her country. 

Unlike the national anthem, this was a song you could really sink your teeth into.  It was easy to sing and the words made sense.  No rockets red glare or bombs bursting in air...just good old American pride and loyalty and pledging allegiance. 

That makes sense to a kid, and I guess it worked for many years for me as well.  Now, however, when I look at those lyrics, I realize not all of the words were quite accurate.  I hadn't chosen this land.  My soul has not been necessarily rooted deeply in the soil. I'm here because my parents happened to already be here when I was born. 

In spite of that, however, today that song calls forth in me some sadness, not to mention outrage, that "my country"--"mine own United States" has been dragged through the muck and mire of this election season. And I find myself wanting to defend "my country".

It's easy to be cynical and pessimistic about the state of our union these days if all we rely on is the so-called "breaking news" of the day.  But that's just a tiny, fleeting brush-stroke in this massive portrait of humanity we call the United States of America. 

I'm choosing to pledge my allegiance to a country where, on the day before election day, these things were happening in my America:
 Courageous people were showing up, yet again,
to speak the language of love.
 Master Cheon was telling his students to remember,
"Together we can make a difference."
 Still, LIFE!
Still up there...

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.

What diff'rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these.
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.

With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.

This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country! To have and to hold.

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