Monday, October 31, 2016

Tears in a bottle...

What wonderful words to start my day!

Today's Daily Lesson comes from Psalm 56 verses 8 and 9:

8 You have kept count of my tossings;
put my tears in your bottle.
Are they not in your book?
9 Then my enemies will turn back
in the day when I call.
This I know, that God is for me.

If there is one deep truth that has sustained and encouraged me more than any other it is the gift of knowing -- of truly experiencing -- the profound truth that God is for me. And if there is one gift I would consider is most imperative in the act of ministry it is the gift of sharing the good news with others that God is for them also.

God has counted our tossing in the night. God has gathered our tears in a bottle. God knows their weight.  God has taken note in His book.

This is a God of intimacy. It is a God pathos.  It is a God who hopes the very best for me.  It is a God who still even after all my failures comes into my room and sits on the bed beside me like a father with his boy. This is a God of deep, deep, and unconditional love.

God is for us; and if God is for us who can be against us?

~Ryon Price, 2nd Thoughts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Glorious Sunday!

 A beautiful All Saints service at 2nd B!
I love my SS class--Pyrexia--
meaning "having come through the fire."
Esmerelda and I had on our identical Batwomen blouses,
and that's Robin in the middle!


Whenever the material and the spiritual coincide,
there is the Christ.
Jesus fully accepted that human-divine identity and walked it into history.
Henceforth, the Christ “comes again”
whenever we are able to see the spiritual and the material coexisting,
in any moment, in any event, and in any person.
All matter reveals Spirit, and Spirit needs matter to “show itself”!
I believe "the Second Coming of Christ" happens whenever and wherever
we allow this to be utterly true for us.
This is how God continually breaks into history—even before the first Stone Age,
humans stood in awe and wonder, gazing at the stars.
~R. Rohr

Saturday, October 29, 2016

An Eclectic Saturday

 Adorable Butler Girls & Company
 Wonderings by Cheryl
 Out on the town with Robi...
 Pony & Palms
A touch of class before our night out...


From Tenna to Goldie...
to keep her shining!

Stations of the Heart, Richard Lischer

Marilyn loaned me her book when I was with her in Abilene.
What a powerful testimony to the journey of grief
and the grace of God on the way!


Rob in my heart...

Memory Box

As I recall, he didn't love the hat.
 More memories in the baby toys box...
