Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Wide-Lens Look at Love

Mary and I watched NBC's "Sunday Morning" while she was visiting. 
One of the segments had to do with the right to die.
There were people choosing to take pills that would essentially
put them to sleep as a means of ending what was sure to be
a slow, painful death otherwise.
Those who loved them would be at their bedside to say all the last things.
And then they would just go to sleep.

I wish Rob and I had had that choice 
so that I could have been right there with him
before he lost consciousness.
It seems there were important things to say,
feelings to feel,
love to share--
last things we didn't get to say and do.
He left so early.

Mary suggested that I could look at love through a wider lens,
a lens spanning the last several months,
if not decades.

And when I do,
I realize that I was loving him--
we were loving each other--
in the best ways we knew how
right up until the end.

I'm finding photos and Smileboxes that certainly attest to that.

Thank you, Mary.

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