Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thank you, Tenna...still so true today!

Living Life in the Divine Flow The Significance of Small Miracles
June 17, 2012
Dear Friends,

Several years ago, I was speaking to a group of people about my personal discovery of the divine flow.  I related numerous synchronistic events and happy coincidences that led me to conclude that this Universe we live in is, indeed, intelligent--that it is aware of what we need and what we want, and that it is continually working on our behalf to help us fulfill those dreams, desires, and goals.

One gentleman in the group didn't doubt that I had experienced many coincidences in my life, but he did question whether the conclusion I reached as a result of those coincidences was a justified conclusion.  Specifically, he wanted to know if the coincidences I had experienced were "statistically significant."

"Statistically significant."  I remembered that term from a business class I took in college.  What this man was talking about was the fact that--below a certain numerical threshold--sheer chance alone could account for my experiences.  And he was seeking some kind of statistical proof that I had experienced enough of these minor miracles to reasonably conclude that there was, as I determined, a divine intelligence behind them.  I'm not sure my answer satisfied him, but it was more than satisfactory to me.

First of all, I told him that right after I published Row, Row, Row Your Boat, I began to keep an official journal of my divine flow experiences, so I would have some additional stories to put in my next book.  But I stopped keeping that journal after just three weeks.  Why?  Because I was getting writer's cramp!  There were just too many minor miracles to keep track of--far too many, it seems to me, to be explained by mere chance.

I then pointed out that when I faithfully practice the principles involved with living life in the divine flow, the number of synchronistic events and happy coincidences that I experience dramatically increases.  But when I don't "practice what I preach," that number dramatically decreases.  If these events were just occurring by chance, then my behavior wouldn't affect things one way or the other.

Which brings me to the point I want to make in this week's message. (That's right, I'm just now getting to it!)

I think I have made it very clear in these weekly messages that it is extremely easy for you to unconsciously block or limit the experience of the divine flow in your life.  Obviously, when you live life forcefully or fearfully, you are going to experience the divine flow to a lesser degree, because you are actually interfering with the manifestation process itself.  But even if you are doing a pretty good job of recognizing and cooperating with the divine flow in your life, that experience can still be diminished if you don't make a conscious effort to appreciate each and every little miracle that manifests in your life--even something as seemingly insignificant as the appearance of the perfect parking place.

Like everything else in life, even the divine flow can be taken for granted.  And the more you take it for granted, the more likely you are to easily forget many of the miracles that have happened in your life--especially the smaller ones.  Even recent occurrences can quickly be forgotten.

If you really want to fully experience the divine flow in your life, I suggest that you always take a moment to stop what you are doing and be consciously grateful for every little miracle that occurs.  Celebrate it!  Revel in it!  Only then will you begin to get an accurate sense of how miraculous this world of ours truly is.

Will the number of miracles that you notice be statistically significant--that is, enough for you to reasonably conclude that there must be a Higher Power at work on your behalf?  I certainly think so, yes.  But I'll leave that for you to decide. 

What is much more important to me is this: The miracles that I now so freely and frequently experience are not just statistically significant, they are personally significant . . . for they have transformed my life from one of constant stress and struggle to one of greater peace and ease.  And that, my friends--all statistics aside--is significant enough for me. 

To quote Albert Einstein:

"There are only two ways to live your life:
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
  The other is as though everything is a miracle."

I choose to life my life the second way.  How about you?


© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

Living Life in the Divine Flow The Flow of Grace
 May 27, 2012
Dear Friends, 

On Sunday, May 20th, I spoke to a gathering of people at a Methodist church in Mesquite, Texas.  After my presentation, the minister of that church said that she enjoyed my talk, and appreciated the concepts I shared.  One thing she noticed, though, was how different my "languaging" was.  What I call "the divine flow," she would call "grace."

It's true that "grace" is not a word that I commonly use, but it is certainly what I am talking about whenever I say that the divine flow is continually guiding us toward the effortless fulfillment of our heart's desires.  In addition to "refined movement"--as my dictionary defines the grace--it also means "the free and unmerited favor and blessings of The Divine."  And that is exactly what the divine flow is continually offering us.  It is through the blessings of divinely inspired ideas, divinely orchestrated opportunities, and divinely directed encounters that we move toward our chosen destinations with incredible ease.

What's more, this flow of divine favor--this grace that we receive--is unending.  It is not something that occurs randomly or occasionally.  It is constant.  And it is not something that is doled out to some people, but not to others.  It is freely offered to all.  At every given moment of every given day, we are all receiving celestial assistance and support.  At every given moment of every given day, each and every one of us is being divinely guided . . . including you. 

But, as I frequently mention, you have a part to play in that process, because it is up to you to recognize and cooperate with that divine guidance.  It is your job to identify that still, small voice that speaks to you from within, and rely on it.  It is your job to identify the helpful people that have been placed in your path, and accept their assistance.  It is your job to identify the divine signs that are all around you, to discern their meaning, and to take any action that may be called for.

Said another way, it is your job to make sure that you are always fully open and fully receptive to the unending flow of divine grace in your life, so you can glide gracefully down life's stream toward the realization of your dreams.

Here's to living life in the divine flow, my friends. Go with grace!


P.S. I just received this nice review of my new book, Further Down The Stream: "I've subscribed to Steve's weekly messages for years.  It's the one piece of mail I make sure to read.  So you might think his latest book, based on these messages, would be overkill, but not so!  Steve has beautifully woven and occasionally updated his articles into a guide that is uplifting and practical.  I treat myself to one selection a day from the book, and it never fails to provide insight and encouragement."  ~ Joanne Deck, Phoenix

© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC



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