Saturday, October 3, 2015

UK Adventure Highlights


 A circuitous entry due to fog!
 Sunday "Roast" at the Leinster Arms

 Kensington Park
Dinner at The Swan

THE Buckingham Palace

and watching...

The Big Guy
 Ben & Me
 The Awe-Inspiring Westminster Abbey

Waiting to go in for the Tuesday evening service...
Definitely one of the high-points of this trip for me!
Seeing "Wicked" at the Apollo Theatre in London
 An evening in Nottinghill

Dinner at a great English pub...that's apricot ale!

And a cozy nook with a great view
 at Jamie Oliver's "Recipease"
sipping decaf and eating the yummiest orange cake
 with views of the evening traffic and
the movie theatre across the street where we saw "Life".
(Totally it when that happens.)

Exploring early dwellings...

And on the way, on this rainy day...

The Baths in Bath

The Cathedral

 Beauty everywhere!

Gardens at our hotel in Bath...

 We would have loved to stay longer in Bath, but it was time to move on...
back on the bus...

to Lacock, a village where much of the Harry Potter series was filmed.

                                            In a photo album at the church...                                                                                        Yes, that's Charles and Camilla!
                                 Her daughter was married in this little church.

                                                     Harry, are you in there?

 Classic English phone booth photo-op...

On a table in the church...

Me & John outside THE CAVERN, where the Beatles got their start!

The Lake District

                                         A stop at this quaint English farmhouse...

                                                         for tea and scones. 

 Jill, our hostess and owner of the farmhouse...

Then to the village of Grasmere, 19th Century home of poet
William Wordsworth...

Edinburgh, Scotland
 Views from our hotel...see the castle?

Famous Taverns

This one near the Surgeons' Hall is aptly in,
"Where have you been?!"
"At the Doctors."
 Edinburgh Castle

 Mary Queen of Scots

 View of Edinburgh atop the Castle

Lunch here...
 or we could have had the "Hog Pullin'" at "OINK".

 The Edinburgh Cathedral

 A tour of this museum...interesting!
So much of medicine has its roots in Scotland.

 And on my way back to the hotel for a rest, 
I heard the sound of drums by the city hall and found this!
 An all-women drum corps celebrating the arrival
of a newly married couple. 
 A large crowd gathered to move to the beat and enjoy the scene.
It was all quite thrilling!
And here I am with Peter Piper before going in for a delightful
Scottish dinner and show.
(I cried all the way through "Loch Lomand"...needed to.)
Oh, and I ate this...the haggis!!
 On the way to York, England...this enormous sculpture

 The Angel of the North

 and THIS in a vending machine in the ladies' room.
(I bought one...not much excitement there.)

York, England

 I'm in York, a beautiful city!

 When I saw this tribute, I thought of Rob.
He did just that!
I miss him...
 Third candle from the top left, for Rob...

 Well, I declare!  
It's the UK version of Dollar Tree!

While I sat on that park bench, 
I chatted with a nice man from Sherwood Forest...
a retired decorator, of all things!
Last stop before returning to London
by way of
The Mathematical Bridge

I feel smart!

Signs & Wonders

This is the first group photo of the trip. 
Are we excited or what?
(Taken soon after checking in to our hotel, after a 91/2 hour flight on which 
we slept little and squirmed a lot.  
Jet lag, perhaps? I'm happy to report, we perked up soon thereafter.)

 "Now how much is this one???"

 Isn't this a beautiful picture?

 Can you spot the fashion faux pas?
One beautiful church after another...
Virginia & Ed, my WONDERful travel-mates, who appear to love me,
no matter what state (of mind) or country I might be in.
Forever Friends!

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