Sunday, September 13, 2015

Happy Birthday, Shan!

Okay, I've just GOT to work on my phone-camera settings, 
and I will...but in the meantime, here's the best I could do for today.
I actually love that they aren't perfect.
Neither are we!
Singing Happy Birthday...again!
My precious D-I-L and cargo...
Singing "Happy Birthday to You", 
for the 3rd time,at Sawyer's request.
BundTinis, Mom's favorite!
(From Nothing Bundt Cake)
And here we go...
Okay, we got three of 'em...
Good job, Daddy...Weston's got his eyes on the prize!
As for the rest of them...
As good as it gets...
("Take it, Emmy...take it!")

1 comment:

  1. Great day to celebrate a special daughter-in-love.
    Happy Birthday, Shannon.
