Monday, June 16, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beginning & Ending

 My day began with 
the first Shannon-Bloom
of the summer...
and ended with garlic Naan 
and my friend Rita
at Maharaja.

Tuesday Fun

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Remembering: Just in time...again!

"The great paradox: 
Even when you fall apart 
and your world cracks open, 
you can remain  
in One Peace." 

 - Jeff Foster  


And sometimes you are walking down a familiar path on a spring morning, 

and there are questions raging, 
questions that seem to demand immediate answers. 
What to do with this precious gift of a life? 
Where to go? 
What to say next? 
Which choice to make or not make? 
Which voice to listen to? 
How to make everything okay again? 
How to hold it all together? 
How to avoid falling apart?

And suddenly the questions cannot hold, 

they shatter into a million silences, 
because a tiny bird has perched itself on the path in front of you, 
perched in the here and now, not in the there and then 
in which you are seeking your answers. 
Your eyes meet hers, 
and you know that everything is okay with the universe. 
Questions will get answered, or not, 
and solutions will appear or not appear at the perfect time, 
because you will make yourself available to them, 
as you are available now to this tiny and unexpected bird.

Perhaps today is not a day for answers and unshakeable certainties, 

it is a day for birdsong and staying close to questions 
as they walk with you down familiar paths on spring mornings.



Your sadness, your fear, your loneliness, 

even your despair is so fragile, friend. 
It can break open at any moment. 

A single note in a piece of music can do it. 

A kind glance from a stranger. 
The feeling of the spring breeze on your face. 
A reflection of a bird in flight. 
In any moment, your sorrow can shatter into nothingness; 
it has no more reality than that, 
no more substance than a shadow. 

The more you focus on your sorrows and fears, 

the more you talk about them, 
analyse them, identify with them, or resist them, 
the more 'real' they seem, 
the more solid and independent of you they appear to be, 
the more power they seem to have 
over something separate called 'you'.

In searching for a solution to your problems, 

you create the problem of 'having problems' at all. 

Be available for the breaking-open of your pain, friend. 

Do not assume it is here for any longer than a moment. 
Allow the arrival and passing of all that troubles you, 
including the very idea of a troubled self. 

All this shall pass, remember, all this shall pass.



Let people go through what they have to go through 

in the present moment! 
They are tired and they want to rest. 
They are exhausted from the fight, 
from the pretence and the lies, 
from having to hold everything in 
and hold everything together 
and hold everything up, 
and great waves of energy are now being released 
throughout their body. 

Stay present with them. 

Waves of sorrow, hopelessness, fear, shame and guilt 
are surging now. 
Let the energies rise up,
let their whole body vibrate and shake and quake if it must, 
let them wail, scream, roar, laugh, cry, 
sh*t themselves if they have to. 
Offer them nothing but the greatest gift of all: 
your fearless presence. 
Stay with them through each breath, each motion, 
in every moment. 
Hold their hand, 
but don't try to fix them, 
change them, 
stop them experiencing what they are experiencing, 
or give them premature answers. 

If you become uncomfortable, 

or feel like you want to rush in and 'heal' them, 
or 'save' them, or 'fix' them, 
or prevent them from feeling what they are feeling, 
or make everything 'okay' for them, 
own that - 
it's your need, your discomfort, your fear, not theirs. 
Do not treat them like a victim or an invalid. 
Do not confuse them with who you think they are. 
Honour the power that moves in them; 
validate their experience totally. 
Trust the unpredictable intelligence of healing, 
and know that their 'symptoms' may get worse 
before they get better; 
energy may become more intense 
before it dies down. 
What appears now as chaos and disintegration 
may in fact be necessary release 
and intelligent reorganisation 
of a blocked system. 

Sometimes our hearts need to break wide open 

so we are able to hold more life, more powerful love. 
Let your warm presence remind your friend 
of their own warm presence, 
so stable, so fearless, so free, 
so deeply rooted, grounded, here. 
Know that who they truly are cannot be broken, 
not by even the most intense energies, 
and cannot be fixed, 
and life never makes mistakes 
even when life seems like a mistake.

Love is all that matters. 

The rain falls, 
stars explode in silence 
somewhere out in the vastness of space, 
and here on this tiny planet someone called Earth, 
sometimes we meet and 
hold each other.