Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Morning has broken

Beautiful colors painting the sky this morning, 
and with a little help from my coloration settings, it could be a Monet.

I hope Mother Nature won't be offended.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Ah! The fragrance of roasting peperonis...


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bunny Tale

My dear friends, Tenna (aka Mother Nature) and Bobby (aka Nature Boy)
discovered this baby bunny while clearing brush on their land.

Thanks, T, for living so close to the earth and sharing your discoveries with me.  

Please keep us posted on any bunny developments. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sacred Space

Right behind some doors on a loud crowded Napoli street...this!

Dear God,
When our minds are loud and crowded, reveal the doors to our next sacred space.
When we are inside, at last, quiet our minds so we may feel Your peace 
settling ever so gently into our heavy hearts.

Beautiful Sight!

Our RAIN-soaked morning paper...YES!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Italia Bottle-Art

Bottle & Book

Our artistic handiwork for today...
What fun!

Never too late to CELEBRATE!

Precious Sister Sus is here for a long-awaited visit,
and we are celebrating every which-a-way,
even a July birthday.
Le Ragazze Collinella are at it again!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Installation of the Wienie Dog

When Caleb came over yesterday, I presented him with the
Clay Cafe wienie dog he had painted and left for firing weeks ago.

He was quite impressed with the finished product.

I asked him where he'd like to display it.

See it?


Dear God of Love,
Shine in our hearts today
and in the hurting hearts of those we love.
Fill every heart-space with Your Light and Love,
and give us Peace in the meantime.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Heavenly 3 Ring Circus

About 8PM I went out to see what was UP!
A major storm and cold front are supposedly rolling in.
All of these photos were made within seconds of each other.
I mean, it's a veritable 3 ring circus of sky-performances tonight.


Enter moon

Friday, September 2, 2011

Remember these?

My Florida Granny had these glasses in her kitchen in Jacksonville.
And I remember how everything tasted better from these frosty containers:
milk, orange juice, Coke/Coke floats, and ice tea.
Who would have thought I'd have these Florida memories
sitting on a rooftop terrace in Italy?